DIVIDING UP travel responsibilities
Updated: 04/11/19 | April 11th, 2019
This is a guest post by Elise, one half of positive world Travel. She’s an expert on what it’s like traveling as a couple. In this post, she shares her guidance on how to keep your relationship functioning on the road by dividing up responsibilities. NOTE: as of 2016, their blog is no longer active.
In a previous post, Anthony wrote about how compromise and communication are essential elements in maintaining a successful travel relationship.
I also wrote about how “me time” can do wonders for avoiding arguments and keeping the relationship fresh.
But there’s another essential suggestion to keep in mind: making sure each partner has certain responsibilities on the road.
When it concerns planning a trip and traveling as a couple, there are numerous tasks to carry out when you travel. questions continuously need to be answered: Where are you going to stay? What visas do you need? What currency is accepted? Who’s going to make transport inquiries? Who’s going to book flights?
Splitting up these tasks early on can make traveling with your partner far simpler and much less stressful than a disorganized approach, giving you time to focus on the thrills and experiences rather than the mundane and nitty-gritty aspects of long-term travel.
Anthony and I learned from the get-go that it pays to know who’s doing what on the road. We both now have our own little roles we take on every day.
For example, I now am the official essential bearer for our room, which implies I’m responsible for making sure our room is locked and that I have the essential safely tucked away and on me whatsoever times.
We spent far too numerous nights early on during our trip having the same conversation:
“Do you have the key?”
“No, I thought you took it.”
“Well, I didn’t take it. It was on your side of the table.”
“Where is it then? I don’t have it.”
It’s a small role, but it’s an essential one nonetheless, and we save ourselves from getting into fights.
When you’re traveling as a couple, splitting up the responsibilities of travel has other benefits. You can save a lot of time and frustration if you assign planning jobs when organizing your onward travel.
For example, instead of both searching for cheap accommodation, one person can be finding accommodation while the other can be figuring out transport.
This, in turn, can save time and decrease conflict and stress. By splitting up the workload, you each have a single focus rather than trying to cope with everything at once.
For instance, Anthony is in charge of booking and organizing all onward travel, whether overland or by plane, and I’m in charge of or researching and finding accommodation at our next destination. We both chose on these roles fairly early on.
A month or so into our trip we were finding ourselves being disorganized in terms of transport and accommodation. I remember specifically, in Malaysia, we were traveling late at night into the town of Semporna. Ant had told me that he already had accommodation in mind.
However, when we finally got off the bus, Ant didn’t have a clue where any of the hostels were or how to get to them (and, of course, there were no tuk-tuk chauffeurs in sight!). The road was deserted except for a few stray dogs. A heated argument ensued, and it wasn’t until much later that we ended up in a hostel room.
This only had to happen once for it to be chose that I would be in charge of finding accommodation on our trip.
When deciding who will take on what roles and responsibilities, it all comes down to knowing your partner. You should have an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. I’m in charge of finding and researching accommodation because I’m good at it. While we try not to plan too far into our trip, I love to be organized.
Anthony can’t stand spending time online searching for places to stay and reading reviews. mutta minä? Rakastan sitä! Anthony trusts that I will choose a good place to stay, and he’s pleased that he doesn’t have to do it himself.
What I’m not good at are directions. ei ole koskaan ollut. getting from A to B has never been a strong suit of mine.
In India a few years ago, Anthony bravely handed over the map for the day as I insisted that I was fine in directing us through small towns and villages high in the north.
Four hours later (when we ought to have reached a town by then), we were still walking slowly uphill. Anthony then asked for the map, only to announce that I had been leading us in the total opposite direction!
Tired and fed up, we hitchhiked our way back to the starting point, fuming silently in the car.
I also know that Ant is better with saving money while traveling. That is his strength. He sorts out exchange rates and conversions and knows when best to exchange our money.
Of course, when you’re out on the road, there may be times when these responsibilities change as your travels develop or things crop up, but ainakin käsitys siitä, kuka tekee sen, mikä on hyvä alku.
Tämän työn tekemisen välttämätön on johdonmukainen. Älä pilkkoa ja vaihda koko ajan tai tule laiskaksi siihen, mitä sinun molemmat odotetaan tekevän. Se voi kuulostaa siltä, että palataan vanhaan pöytätyöhön, mutta tehtävien johdonmukainen – jopa matkalla – vain helpottaa asioita.
Mutta vaikka työpaikkojen jakaminen ja erilaisten roolien ottaminen auttaa matkustamista helpottamaan, on olemassa yksi työ, joka sinun pitäisi silti tehdä yhdessä: päätöksenteko.
Vaikka kompromissit tulevat peliin päätöksenteossa, älä ota ajatusta jakaa matkustustyöt äärimmäisyyteen ja sinulla on vain yksi henkilö tekemään kaikki tärkeät valinnat matkan aikana.
Muista, että pariskunnan matkustaminen pyrkii työskentelemään joukkueena ja tekemällä asioita yhdessä.
Työmäärän tasapainottaminen, kumppanisi tunteminen ja johdonmukainen pysyminen tekevät matkasi helpommaksi, onnellisemmaksi ja paljon palkitsevammaksi.
Varaa matkasi: logistiset ehdotukset ja temppuja
Varaa lentosi
Löydä halpa lento SkysCannerilla. Se on suosikkini hakukone, koska se etsii sivustoja ja lentoyhtiöitä ympäri maailmaa, joten tiedät aina, ettei kivi jätetä kääntämättä.
Varaa majoitus
Voit varata hostellisi Hostelworldin kanssa. Jos haluat pysyä muualla kuin hostellissa, käytä Booking.com -sivustoa, koska ne palauttavat jatkuvasti edullisimmat hinnat majataloihin ja hotelleihin.
Älä unohda matkavakuutusta
Matkavakuutus suojaa sinua sairauksien, vamman, varkauden ja peruutusten vastaan. Se on laaja suoja, jos kaikki menee pieleen. En koskaan mene matkalle ilman sitä, koska minun on joutunut käyttämään sitä useita kertoja aiemmin. Suosikkiyritykset, jotka tarjoavat parhaan palvelun ja arvon, ovat:
SafetyWing (paras kaikille)
Vakuuta matkani (yli 70) niille
MedJet (lisäevyntämistä varten)
Oletko valmis varaamaan matkasi?
Tutustu resurssisivulleni parhaat yritykset, joita käytetään matkustaessasi. Luettelen kaikki käyttämäni matkustaessani. Ne ovat luokan parhaita, etkä voi mennä pieleen käyttämällä niitä matkallasi.