THE finest walking trips IN PARIS


Last Updated: 9/28/21 | September 28th, 2021 I like going to Paris. I’ve been going there for over nine years as well as have yet to tire of the history, the charm, or the food

Books Kinokuniya on Orchard Road, Singapore


There’s something about the odor of new books that excites me. phone call me strange however I like putting my nose close to the pages as I flip them. I likewise like the feeling of

WHY SOLO female travel IS different


Posted: 10/14/2014 | October 14th, 2014 On the second Wednesday of the month, Kristin Addis from Be My travel Muse composes a guest column featuring suggestions as well as guidance on solo female travel. It’s

DIVIDING UP travel responsibilities


Updated: 04/11/19 | April 11th, 2019 This is a guest post by Elise, one half of positive world Travel. She’s an expert on what it’s like traveling as a couple. In this post, she shares

Voivatko introvertit matkustaa onnistuneesti yksin?


Lähetetty: 05/02/19 | 19. toukokuuta 2019 Kristin Addis Be My Travel Muse kirjoittaa tavallisen sarakkeen soolo -naismatkusta. Se on välttämätön aihe, jota en voi kattaa riittävästi, joten toin asiantuntijan jakamaan hänen opastuksensa muille naismatkailijoille auttamaan